Friday, August 11, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The process of growing up tends to reinforce in our psyche certain beliefs that come to be taken for gospel. However, events outside of our control shatter our worldview and our conceptualization of what surrounds us and the rules by which the universe abides.
The war on Lebanon has been such a shattering experience to me, and has hit me deep, very deep within my belief system. At stake is The Rose (more on that later), and a few of those beliefs I have had for most of my life:
1- Human beings are fundamentally good
2- What drives most people is the pursuit of lofty ideals and not materialistic aspirations
3- All people are alike and equal and have the same inalienable right to pursue happiness
We engage in games of blaming each other while children die on all sides, and all those pretending to care really don't. I look at the monsters on TV and curse them everyday. Tonight, I had a dream. I was looking at a mirror and I saw myself as a monster in it... I screamed silently... Then I cursed myself.
Humanity is losing its appeal at a hallucinating speed, and I understand what God must have felt when he decided to flood our planet. I pray for another one (flood) every night, and that not one of us will survive to perpetuate our monstruosity.