Early morning hours, I see large clouds of steam pouring out of this chimney... I'm immediately transported to Lebanon, to the scene of the latest bombings... Smoke fills the air, cries echo all around me, people sob... I move my head, shake these visions from my hair, and continue on my way to the gym.
The first I saw this image, I was thinking "PROBLEM". What did explode now? But after looking carefully, I recognized the chimney. I walked by it so many times before. It actually made me smile. thanks joe
u're welcome
it's always sort of incredible, isn't it, those juxtapositions of experience in the same vision...
It is incredible, especially when u consider that there are many more juxtapositions that you are not aware of consciously... and that these are different for different people. Given that our view of the world is shaped by our experience, there are millions of different realities out there...
yes, an infinite variety... and so many levels of complexities... sometimes a smokestack is just a smokestack (freud vs. borges)
:) hope you are well--
I am fine Fz thanks. Hope you are ok too.
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